Assam Rifles School, Zunheboto

Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
1. It is compulsory for all the students to arrive in school at least 10 minutes before the bell rings at 08:30 am. Coming late to school is a punishable offence. Late comers must bring an application from their parents/guardians.
2. It is obligatory for students to attend in the morning assembly and every class on the scheduled time.
3. No child can leave the school premises during school hours without the prior permission of the Principal.
Leave of Absence
1. A leave application signed by the Parents or Guardians should be sent preferably for the day of absence through the child on the following day.
2. If a student is absent without any intimation for a period of 30 days, his/hername will be automatically struck off from the rolls. A child thus struck off from the rolls may be re-admitted at the discretion of the Principal on payment of the full admission fee arrears in full.
3. Students suffering from any infectious disease must complete the quarantine period before rejoining the School. This should be indicated on the medical certificate.
4. Extraordinary leave during term time may be obtained with the prior permission of the Principal.
The observance of rules of discipline and good behaviors shall be a condition essential to a student's continuance in the School.
(a) Courtesy and Politeness in daily dealings with the Principal, teachers, administrative staff, other students etc is essential. No abusive language, rudeness or violence of any kind will be accepted.
(b) Personal hygiene and neatness are essential. Students must wear proper uniform everyday. Strict measures will be taken against those who ignore the rules concerning the uniform.
(c) All the homeworks/class work/assignments must be done neatly and regularly.
(d) If any srudents famages/mishandles the school property or writers objectionable/vulgar language on the school walls/dasks, strong disciplinary action will be taken against him/her besides recovery of the damages as suggested be the management.
(e) Borrowing and lending of money and exchanging like expensive watches, mobile phones, jewellery etc are not to be brought to school. The school does not hold itself responsible for the loss of such items.
(f) Silence must be maintained in the corridors during class hours, when moving from one room to another, perfect prder must be maintained.
(g) Al the times and in all places every students is bound to observe the rules of good manners both inside and outside the School.
(h) Pupils are strictly forbidden to purchase eatables from the vendors/hawkers outside the school premises.